Wednesday, September 24, 2014

We're Moving Slowly Forward

Good Morning,
Finally got the word on the appraisal. All is well so we are now moving forward inch by inch. Now we're waiting on the call to tell us the closing date. When this all started it was set to on or before Oct 10th. I was so hoping for a sooner date, so as not to have to pay all of Oct bills. But with today being Sept 24th I don't see that happening. Again it's hurry up and wait.

Update on the rib situation... They are getting better everyday. Still sore but much better...

On a happier note, today is officially the first day of Fall. Waking up to temps in the low 60s this morning was a great change. Even slept better last night due to the cooler temps outside. Yay...

We have been having some issues with our internet service going off and on at all times of the day. This morning there was a cable truck at the end of the driveway working on the lines upon the power pole. Ed went out to talk to them and told them it had been going on for a few days now. They said they were aware of it and that there was trouble through out the neighborhood and they were working on getting everything back to normal as quickly as possible. I see a difference already. Yay!  

Stay tuned...

Until next time
Happy Trails and Safe Travels Y'all :)


  1. told Dave the same yesterday. . .sadly there's no way to hurry the Title Company. . .they just move at their slow molasses pace, with no concern for folks who are ready to roll. . . ;) . . .let's go people! LOL. . .

  2. Suddenlink is our internet provider, the worst. They call me all the time trying to get me to bundle TV,Phone and internet. I keep telling them ..NO, your service sucks.
